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This is an example on how to convert non-unique hits into unique ones.
Scenario: We have three CPC affiliate programs.
Each one pays $1 for unique hits and $0.1 for non-unique ones. We want to maximize revenue by
sending our non-unique visitors to the programs they haven't been redirected to yet.
We use a scheme named "Non-unique into Unique". Open this link in another tab. To see all the scheme properties click on change button in the rightmost column.
In the scheme properties we set IN Url to demouniq.
All the traffic sent to http://demotds.bosstds.com/in/demouniq/ will be redirected to one of
OUTs of
this scheme.
We set Default OUT Url to http://none.com. In this
case this is just a
placeholder value, it is never used as our OUTs will catch all the possible traffic.
We set Smart rotate OUTs for non-uniques to Weight OUTs Only (this is the default value).
This is the most important property in this example. It makes corrections to algorythm of OUT selection so that
non-unique visitors will be sent to the OUTs that this particular visitor, tracked by IP or Cookie, haven't been redirected to yet.
If no non-visited OUTs left, the visitor will be sent to one of already visited OUTs.
For unique visitors (first hit) this property has no effect. It works from the second hit only.
Rest properties are left with default values.
We've added three OUT Urls. Click on OUT Urls button at the left of change button to see them all. These are our target pages, each page contains an offer:
- The first OUT is http://thesun.co.uk. We set its' Mode to Weight and its' Weight to 25.0.
- The second OUT is http://telegraph.co.uk. We set its' Mode to Weight and its' Weight again to 25.0.
- The third OUT is http://guardian.co.uk. We set its' Mode to Weight and its' Weight again to 50.0.
The first OUT will be selected randomly from all the 3 OUTs. As you can see, the total weight of all three OUTs is 25.0 + 25.0 + 50.0 = 100.0.
100.0 is 100%, 25.0 is 25% (one fourth) and 50.0 is 50% (one half).
The second hit from the same visitor will be redirected to one of the rest two OUTs.
if the first hit went to http://guardian.co.uk (50.0 weight), the second OUT will be one of
http://telegraph.co.uk or http://thesun.co.uk. Each of them has
25.0 weight, so 25.0 + 25.0 = 50.0. 50.0 is 100%, 25.0 is 50%. Each of these two OUTs will have
the same chance to be selected on the second hit if the first hit went to http://guardian.co.uk.
If the first hit went to http://telegraph.co.uk or http://thesun.co.uk
(25.0 weight each), the weights for the second hit will be 50.0 + 25.0 = 75.0. 50.0 is 66.6%,
25.0 is 33.3%. So http://guardian.co.uk has 66.6% chance to be selected for the second redirection
in this case, and another OUT 33.3% chance.
On the third hit there's only one OUT left, so it will be selected in 100% of cases.
On the fourth hit everything will be as in the case of the first hit, etc.
Click a few times on this link (http://demotds.bosstds.com/in/demouniq/) and see where and how often you will be redirected to. There will be no repeated redirections in series of 3 hits and guardian.co.uk will appear more often on the first hit in a serie.