Login/password for demo TDS: boss:bossadmin

Bosstds is usually installed into /opt/bosstds/ directory.

By default BossTDS will stop writing custom reports if there's less than 300Mb left on HDD. It will stop writing any statistics if there's less than 100Mb left on HDD.

Configuration is stored in boss.config file. the default values are more or less sane, do not change them unless you know what you're doing..

To start BossTDS from shell, use sudo /etc/init.d/bosstds start

To stop BossTDS from shell, use sudo /etc/init.d/bosstds stop

To restart BossTDS from shell, use sudo /etc/init.d/bosstds restart

To backup database just copy database directory to your backup media. Stopping is not nessessary, but you may lose some statistics.

To restore database first STOP THE TDS, then replace contents of database with backed up data. Always stop TDS before doing restore!

To upgrade your TDS download the latest package and use sudo dpkg -i bosstds_X.Y.Z_all.deb if you have deb-based distro or sudo rpm -Uvh bosstds-X.Y.Z-1.noarch.rpm
sudo /etc/init.d/bosstds restart
if you have rpm-based distro.

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