What is BossTDS

BossTDS is an internet Traffic Distribution System, "TDS". Other definitions - "Traffic Control System", "Traffic Redirection System". A TDS could be an invaluable tool in the hands of experienced internet marketer or SEO specialist. TDS won't generate new traffic for you. Instead, it allows you to control and rule your traffic by redirecting your visitors to the pages where they will convert better, so that it will bring you more money. In some cases it is almost impossible to have noticeable profit without TDS.
TDS will also allow you to gather statistics on your traffic and, to some extent, cloak some of your content.

BossTDS can help you with the following things:

  • Convert your repeated (non-unique) visitors into unique ones by redirecting them to different affiliate/CPC networks each time.
  • Separate your mixed traffic by country and send visitors from different countries and regions to different sites.
  • Separate your traffic by mobile/PC, by OS, by browser, by IP ranges, by request query parameters etc
  • Rotate ads. Target ads by visitor's country and/or language.
  • Create weighted split-tests and check which landing page or affiliate program converts better.
  • Gather invaluable statistics on your visitors. Collect keywords from SERP referers.
  • Check if your target site is available and if not, redirect visitors to another site.
  • Easy way to control your affiliate links, especially when you have many traffic-generation sites. Switch your sponsors on your whim.
  • Sell your traffic. Control how many traffic should be sent to each of target url. Houry, Daily, Total...
  • And many, many more...

Why BossDTS?

There are many reason why you should consider to choose BossTDS.

  • BossTDS is fast. It can perform millions of redirections per day (200 - 750 hits per second in our test environment - Intel Core2Duo 2.1GHz 4G RAM SSD Intel 320, with extended reports turned off) on a quite modest hardware. All that without any caching as the TDS needs to process each hit separately in unique way.
    It scales well from cheapest VPS to modern powerful and expensive multiprocessor rigs.
  • BossTDS is battle tested. It started as a project for my personal needs and proved itself as reliable solution.
  • BossTDS has trial version. Download and install it, and test how it works for the whole month. No obligations.
  • After you got a license, you can use the TDS on two different IP's and can change your IP's any time in the client area of this site. Two licenses thing is very useful for, for example, having a hot reserve in case when something happened to your main server.
  • BossTDS has user-friendly and very powerful interface, which allows you to create thousands of combinations for your traffic.
  • This project is an ongoing work and we do and will incorporate new ideas into new versions of BossTDS, which will be free for you once you've bought a license for an old version.
  • We will help you to install BossTDS on your server/VPS. For free. Just contact us.

System requirements

In order to install BossTDS you will need the following hardware and software:

  • VPS or dedicated server with 512M RAM or better, 1Gb is recommended (usually the TDS takes less than 150M RAM, but under extremely heavy load - hundreds and thousands requests/sec - it may take hundreds of Megabytes), with modern versions of Linux installed. The TDS will not work on shared hosting.
  • Outbound connections to lic1.bosstds.com and lic2.bosstds.com, port 443 (https) should be allowed on your firewall. These are our license servers.
  • ...and that's all what needed. BossTDS has it's own built-in webserver, so webservers like Apache or Nginx are not required at all, though could be used as reverse proxy. DBMS like MySQL or Postgres are not needed as well.

Trial version limitations

  • Maximum 2 Schemes, each with maximum 2 OUT Url's.
  • Works for 30 days maximum on any IP address.
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