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This is an example on sequential traffic distribution.
Scenario: We have three offers. One for mobile traffic only, this is the most paid offer. Another for general traffic, but this offer does not pay for traffic from ex-USSR. We've found a third offer for traffic from RU, UA, BY. Our task is to maximize CPC.

We use a scheme named "simple sequential". Open this link in another tab. To see all the scheme properties click on change button in the rightmost column.

In the scheme properties we set IN Url to demo1. All traffic sent to http://demotds.bosstds.com/in/demo1/ will be redirected to one of OUTs of this scheme.
We set Default OUT Url to http://none.com. In this case this is just a placeholder value, it is never used as our OUTs will catch all the possible traffic.
Rest properties are left with default values.

We've added three OUT Urls. Click on OUT Urls button at the left of change button to see them all. These are our target pages, each page contains an offer. One offer for mobile users, another for traffic from RU, UA, BY, and third for all the rest traffic:

  • The first OUT is http://yahoo.com. This is our mobile offer. We set its' Mode to Sequential and its' Order to 0.0, so that this OUT will always be tried first.
    We added a single filter to this OUT - a User Agent filter which accepts mobile traffic only.
  • The second OUT is http://ya.ru. This is our offer for visitors from RU, UA, BY. We set its' Mode to Sequential and its' Order to 1.0, so that this OUT will be tried second.
    We added a single filter to this OUT - a GeoIP filter which accepts traffic from RU, UA, BY only.
  • The third OUT is http://bing.com. This is our general offer which accepts all the rest traffic. We set its' Mode to Sequential and its' Order to 2.0, so that this OUT will be tried last.
    It has no filters whatsoever, so it would accept everything that fall through the sieve of previous two OUT's.

This setup works the following way:
We got a hit to IN Url of the scheme. Check if the OUT with lowest order (0.0 in our case) accepts this request. Accepts? Redirect the visitor to the Url of this OUT. Does not accept? Check if the second OUT accepts. Etc, until no OUTS left - in this case the visitor will be redirected to the Default OUT of the scheme.

Click on this link (http://demotds.bosstds.com/in/demo1/) and check where you will be redirected to. Now try to do the same from your phone or tablet.

www.megastock.ru www.paypal.com www.paxum.com
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