Release 1.20.0 Release 1.20.0 : A couple of changes useful for cloaking

BossTDS version 1.20.0 released.

- New rule: Circuit breaker. temporarily blocks traffic to an OUT or Scheme after any visitor went to one or all of OUTs from the given list of OUTs.
- Schemes with client checks now can be included in the 'script src' tag. Flag "'Script src' mode" must be ckecked in the properties of the scheme. When this mode is on, you can use the 'File', 'Script, JS window.location.href' redirection types and direct return of HTTP code (URLs with 'code://). Instead of other redirection types TDS will use 'Script, JS window.location.href', to make them compatible with inclusion into a tag.
- Some smallish interface and text changes.
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